Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October Snow Day 2011

Dear V,
So the other day Oct. 29th, a Saturday, it mysteriously snowed! We didn't do much that day. We did, though, go outside. I thought it would be nice for you to check it out for the first time. Even though you've "seen" snow when you were a little itty bitty baby lol, you didn't know what it was. So I told Daddy we were going to have fun in the snow and he wanted to come too. He went downstairs, to the basement, and got the sled we bought at Unique (one of Mommy's favorite stores :)) and he strapped you in. It was SO cold! We went to the parking lot and moved you around. You didn't want to touch the snow. I don't know if it was because it was cold or just because it was something you've never experienced. Then we went inside because your little hands were freezing! You refused to put on gloves.

The next day you went outside with Abu Abu and you walked on the snow and liked stepping on it. Here's a picture of our little fun moment.

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