Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Sweet 16"

Dear V,
It's your Sweet 16 today! 16 months old. I decided to write this a few days ago, but I wanted to wait until this date. :) I also thought it would be cool to do a blog about you. Then i thought to myself, I don't want to pretend to be you. Instead, I rather be mommy and write a history book (blog) about you, Princess V. Even though you only know Portuguese, you will know English once you get to school and after a few years you'll read this and understand.
So I just put you down for your nap and you fell fast asleep. Of course, you went out for a walk with Abu Abu. :) You have that he always takes you out, because he knows you get bored at home. You drank your milk and fell asleep.
Mommy just came back from grocery shopping. I can't wait to take you our Trick-or-Treating tomorrow. I'm going to dress you up in a Lion costume, that was handed down. Thanks Ethan! I think I've decided to dress up as an 80's lady, because that what I love! lol. I'm not sure if Daddy's going to dress up, but hopefully he'll be in the Halloween spirit!
I'm going to do some things now, and I'll come back to write some more to you. I love you with all my heart Dah-Boo-Pee!

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