Saturday, December 17, 2011

Another "Big Girl" Move, by You

Dear V,
Oh Dah-Boo-Pee, today you did something so "big girl," and I'm so proud of you! You came into the kitchen; I was preparing chicken for empanadas. You grabbed your plate and put it in the floor. Its funny now thinking about it. But it was the best way of showing Mommy that you wanted to eat. So I took out some left over spaghetti and meatballs. You ate maybe two spoons and then saw a Ring Pop on the table and wanted that. So you cried. Then you refused to eat. I was happy for that little moment thinking you were going to finally eat! I was wrong. Lol. I did not give you the candy, if that's what you're wondering. Instead you left your high chair with a piece of bread and walked towards the sound of Thomas the Tank Engine blowing his horn. Maybe you'll eat the empanada once I'm done making it.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Surprise Hug

Dear V,
About 3 days ago I was putting you to sleep. We were on the couch, in the living room, and you just finished your milk. You reached your hands out and pull my head closer and gave me a big hug! It was so wonderful. It made mommy so happy! I gave you kisses and you gave more hugs. It was a mommy's wish come true :) Pure love! It was so cute. I love you poopy girl. I have to change your diaper. :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

"At the Eucharist"

Hey V,
We're at the Eucharist. Oh what's that? Why am I writing to you then? Well, my dear, you and I aren't sitting in our places. You can't sit still, especially since Abu Abu is here. All you want to do is run up to him and stay with him.
So now since you can't sit in peace mommy has to walk around with you and find something for you to do. Luckily, we're at the basement of the school. So we walked to the principle's office, down the hallway, walked on top of tables, checked out art supplies, like Pom poms, googlely eyes, pulled some paper out of the bathroom and threw it in the trash, and back to sit down for the Eucharist and you weren't having it. So back to the principle's office we went and you found a microwave. You loved that thing! Lol it kept you entertained while I wrote this lol. Then we played with a model doll of the inside of the body. You weren't too interested. Now you're playing with the only toy I had in my bag, because I switched bags. A blue hippo.
I knew it wasn't such a good idea to bring you, but I really didn't have much of a choice. That's okay. I still love you :) and I always will! I don't know what it is, but a mom can't stay mad at her baby ever! Maybe it's because you're so cute! Lol I love you muah!