Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Your 2nd Birthday

Dear V,
So let me tell you about your 2nd Birthday. Mom wasn't sure whether we should've done something like your 1st birthday or something different. I decided to give you a 3 Day Bash! Let me tell you that you loved it!
So first on Thursday, June 28th, you, me, and dad went to the circus in Cranford. It was a small circus and at first you were a little skeptical. Of course, you've never been to a circus. You ended up have a good time once you noticed all the other kids clapping and having a ball! During the intermission, there were pony rides. This was the first time you rode on a pony. Dad walked beside you; holding you so you wouldn't fall. You loved riding the pony so much that even when we went back to watch the rest of the show you wanted to go back on the pony. So I walked out with you and they were gone! Good thing, because you would miss the rest of the show and I'm not sure if we had enough cash to do it again lol. Towards the end, a lady from the circus show was passing out whistles. She gave you a red one and you played it all the time. Til this day, August 28th, wow exactly 2 months later, you still have and play it.
The next day, the 29th you, me, Gaby, and Nathan went to Play Your Way in Riverdale. Its like a small indoor playground. This was probably your favorite place of all. We were there for 3 hours! They had so many things that you wanted to try everything at the same time. There was a bubble machine, a ball pit pool, rock climbing (which you didn't want to try), a large slide, toys, and other things that I'm not sure what they're called or how to explain it. Good thing I took pictures.
On your actual birthday, we just went to the park because dad was working that day and besides it was a Saturday so we had Eucharist at night. But July 1st, Sunday, we went to the New York Aquarium. We took the Choo-Choo (like you call it) and then the subway. It took us quite some time to get there. It was hot that day. We saw so many fish, and other creators of the sea. We also saw a walrus show. We sat in the front and it was fun. We bought you a pink hat. You were so exhausted; you became cranky.
Either way, you had a great time with each new experience. I enjoyed this more than your first birthday because I could tell that you were having a great time!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

It's been a while, but I'm back

Dear V, it's been a while since I've written. News: you're having a baby sister! Mae and Pai have not decided what to name her yet. She's suppose to come Oct. 8th.
So last week, specifically Saturday, we were outside with Tia Nese in the backyard. And to make a long story short you dumped my phone in a water pipe! I thought it was a goner after sticking my hand in the pipe to try to rescue it. But then I said let me stick my whole arm and hopefully I can still feel it. And I did! You totally didn't care. So I just rush upstairs and tell Daddy so he can figure out what to do. We put the phone in rice and let it soak up the water and we went to the Eucharist. Daddy then reset the phone through iTunes and after a few days of drying some more and uploading all the apps then phone is back to normal. Except for the fact that some pics were gone and so was my ringtone. But all is good.
About two weeks ago Daddy was very patient with your crying and screaming. He kept saying you have to eat. You never wanted to eat dinner. Now when dad tries to feed you or tells you to eat you eat most of your food. Some people said don't force it and some, like Palmira said we had to. So we took her advice and thankfully it worked. We also took her advice on cutting your hair. She said it would grow back stronger. From the looks of it she's right. I actually had fun cutting it :) and I tried straightening it. Yes, I know your only "almost" two but its nice to do girly stuff :)
What else? Umm... For some reason you like Dora on everything and as a doll, but you reject the show every time its giving in TV.
Okay Mom has to go now I'll talk to you later ;)